
This is the archives, where posts related to the website itself or otherwise not categorized go.

Comic Neue logo and name

Comic Sans? No, it is Comic Neue!

Comic Sans… one of the most used and beloved fonts of all time. It always feels so appropriate and suggests fun times and enjoyable moments. Comic Sans – also one of the most hated fonts for some strange design choices. Comic Neue ( is the replacement we use.

Day Three New Website Update

Day Three update about the new The Masked Ferret Spaces website. Almost all products have been added, and I am working on the missing content.

New Site, Day 2

This is a blog post about day 2 of the new The Masked Ferret Spaces. I’m also testing posting using a mobile device.

Legal Stuff

This is an organizational page for all of the relevant legal documents that The Masked Ferret Spaces website needs, like OGL 1.0a, licenses, Terms...

About Us

The Masked Ferret Spaces is a creative outlet for Glen “The Masked Ferret” Parnell, and he hopes to use it to link all of...

DriveThruRPG Store

This is an introduction to the DriveThruRPG and DriveThruFiction stores where The Masked Ferret Spaces sells the content that we create.