FishBlade Stock Art – Swordfish with a Saddle
by The Masked Ferret 2023-07-24 · Published Materials / Stock Art
Remember those old Donkey Kong Country underwater levels? Remember how much a friendly swordfish with a saddle made the underwater levels so much easier? Now you can have one in your game!
Image details: This is a 8443x8443px transparent PNG image of a PNG image of a swordfish with a saddle. This was created with the FishBlade meme in mind. You can use it to help illustrate your FishBladey ideas!
The Stock Art product can be purchased at–Swordfish-with-a-Saddle.
DriveThruRPG Product Description
Image details: This is a 8443x8443px tranparent PNG image of a blue fish with a blade head. This was created with the FishBlade meme in mind. You can use it to help issustrate your FishBladey ideas!
The Masked Ferret Spaces Stock Art License can be found here. This license governs how you can use the Product. Please review the license to make sure the agreement meets your needs.
This and all of our other Stock Art can be found in the The Masked Ferret Spaces All Stock Art Bundle. The bundle contains every Stock Art we have released, and will only charge you for Stock Art you have not purchased yet. Gotta Catch Them All!
Or, if you just want FishBlade Stock Art, there will be a FishBlade Stock Art Bundle (coming soon!). The bundle contains every Fish Blade Stock Art we will have released, and will only charge you for Stock Art you have not purchased yet.