
Day Three New Website Update

Well, Day Three of the new and improved The Masked Ferret Spaces ( has gone well. I was able to upload almost all of the products that I have available on DriveThruRPG up to the site, except for  Mustelaan. That product I really need to release an update for. I have been planning to update it since I released it, and now I just need to buckle down and motivate myself to get it done.

What is currently missing form the website that I previously had is 5 creatures, one Starfinder pregen, a starfinder vehicle, and my most recent posts about the Kashunta soldier.

I am still working on how to organize things and if I can add additional ways to monetize the site and what I produce. I want to add the DriveThruRPG banners back, with the rotating ads there. I am also thinking of adding some Patreon or other membership based functionality to the sites, in hopes that it will bring in additional revenue, but that is for the future. 

Cleaning up missing links and straightening out Google search stuff – not that it will make a lot of difference, but it could help. 

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