Starfinder Gossip

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Parody gossip that might be found in the Starfinder universe. Not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo. Inspired by @StarfinderFacts.

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Have you heard about the Square Clock Emporium? Hidden in a remote corner of Downlow is a shop specializing in all clocks, as long as they are angular. No curves can be found in the shop, and the proprietor is a dog of some sort.


While in a shady bar on a remote world or station in the vast, look around. If you happen to see a purple-haired ifrit, you should consider a chat. If you make an impression, you may learn the coordinates of Topheki b, a desert planet that succors damaged starships. #starfinder

Did you hear of Pet Revitalization Project? Have you recently lost your pet and wish that they could be back permanently? This Eoxian company will, for a reasonable fee, reanimate your companion to continue beside you!

There may be a few... side effects.

Did you know there are Valkyries, outsiders from the Maelstrom who scour the Material Plane looking for fallen warriors to protect them on the way to the Boneyard? The most common species of Valkyries are human shield maidens and vesk spear maidens.

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