Frogbear Soldier (Starfinder, CR 4)
by The Masked Ferret 2023-04-22 · Starfinder
Most people are familiar with owlbears, the strange combination of owl and bear that Dungeons and Dragons is famous for. Not all wizards were satisfied with that combination, and thus one particularly mad wizard combined a bear with a frog.
This combination resulted in a creature that was mostly not aggressive, except for a desire to tell bad jokes and sing sappy songs while playing a banjo. This particular frog bear went rogue, pulling a gun on some innocent adventurers.
Frogbear Soldier (CR 4)
Frogbear CR 4
XP 1,200
Frogbear soldier
CN Large humanoid
Init +5; Perception +10
HP 50
EAC 16; KAC 18
Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +5
Speed 25 ft.
rhyolite magma blade +9 (1d8+7 F & S; critical wound [DC 15])
corona laser pistol +13 (2d4+4 F; critical burn 1d4) or
frag grenade mark II +12 (explode [15 ft., 2d6 P, DC 13])
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Offensive Abilities gear boosts (laser accuracy), fighting styles (sharpshooter), sniper’s aim
Str +3; Dex +5; Con +1; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +15, Intimidate +10
Feats Double Tap [COM]
Languages Common
Other Abilities amphibious, jumper, water breathing
Gear ash dendron armor[AR], corona laser pistol with 1 battery (20 charges), frag grenade mark II (2), rhyolite magma blade with 1 battery (20 charges)[AR]
Special Abilities
Jumper Frogbears are always considered to have a running start when attempting Athletics checks to jump.
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